Farah Ramos' Blog

One Year Journey to Thirty

Posted in Uncategorized by Farah Ramos on May 16, 2016

I’ve got a whole year to prepare for the much-awaited three-oh!

Looking back, I was that person that didn’t know what to do with her life. All I knew was that I will be successful one day. So I looked for that thing that would show me to the right path. One fateful night, I saw again my former boss and got introduced to his friend. And so my journey began.

This road I am taking right now isn’t the easiest one. I’ve been through bumps, zigzags… I got lost, went the longer route, went back to the right path. It has been a hell of a journey. But along the way, I’ve also celebrated the small victories, saw the good changes in me, realized how strong I’ve become.

Right now, I am still on the same road experiencing more challenges that I know I can conquer. I wouldn’t choose a different path if I were given a chance to. I am at the exact place I want to and I’d like to carry on.

At the age of 29, I’ve been blessed to have a company of my own and I intend to run it until I grow old. Now my career is something I am finally happy with. When the solid foundation has been built, I knew I was ready to open my heart to someone… and so I met a man that I knew from that second time we spent together, that he’s someone I’d want to be with everyday. It was, indeed, the best birthday gift I’ve ever had. The gift of love.

So now… career and love are two of the most important things in my life that I am so proud and happy to have, it’s time to create new goals. I’ll be turning 30 next year and I want it to be grand! So here goes my Journey to 30 Goals:

1. TRAVEL FOR A MONTH starting March 9, 2017! My goal is to go to South America (Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Bolivia). I have already opened a separate bank account for this trip. Next is to find out how much it will cost and plan my itinerary.

2. BE FIT. I want to live a healthy life. Never in my life have I been conscious on my food intake (I don’t eat vegetables), I don’t exercise regularly and I don’t visit the doctor for check up. Now is the perfect time to change my habits. I’ve already availed of a health card (Maxicare). Now, I need to plan my diet and exercise. Come on, discipline! I want abs too!

3. LEARN TO COOK. It’s about time! I have been taking my baby steps. My friends are being supportive too! So watch out for pictures of what I will learn to cook!

4. SAVE UP. This is because I need to plan my next investment that will allow me to have passive income.

5. CHARITY. I’ve participated in charities annually but this time I want to have a long term plan to share. It could be to sponsor the education of a kid, or anything that will truly help out one person.

6. ATTEND MASS. Work shouldn’t be an excuse for not going to mass. Set priorities.

7. GO TO RELATIVES’ and FRIENDS’ BIRTHDAYS / SPECIAL EVENTS. I am guilty of not going to a lot of these and this needs to change.

8. QUALITY TIME WITH MY FAMILY. Because now I can.

9. LOVE. Just allow myself to love and be loved. And embrace all the complications that will go with it. Patience. Just love. Because he is worth it.

10. BE HAPPY. In everything that I do, I just want to be happy. I want a less stressful life.